At a time where there is ongoing political unrest, a global pandemic, and a pivot to a more digital experience in 2020, how brands interact online with consumers has been completely disrupted. While many brands are taking on a philanthropic stand online, there’s one that has made it a pillar of their brand’s mission.

Meet founders of Brown Girl Jane

Brown Girl Jane is a luxury CBD wellness and beauty brand owned by three Black women: Malaika Jones Kebede, Nia Jones, and Tai Beauchamp. They soon realized that the cannabis-related industry had very little representation for women of color, mothers, and the overall Black community.

Given the over-policing history of cannabis, it was important for education and inclusivity to be part of their mission from the start. Brown Girl Jane donates a portion of sales to a nonprofit that is aligned with its mission to better the lives and wellness of women of color.


One of their most important missions though has been their #BrownGirlSwap pledge; the commitment to give back to Black women businesses to help the advancement of Black-owned brands. The #BrownGirlSwap calls on you to swap five of your common daily products for a brand that is owned and led by a Black woman business, service, or creative.

The merits of diversity in sales speaks for itself. According to Inclusify by Stefanie K. Johnson, diverse companies are 70% more likely to capture new markets than their more homogenous counterparts and that means more sales. This is because 43% of the 75 million millennials identify as Asian, Black, or Hispanic. The buying power of African Americans is $1.2 trillion and will be $1.5 trillion by 2021. Women make 75% of consumer purchasing decisions. Conscious buyers are making the deliberate choice to take their money to businesses that align with their values.

For Brown Girl Jane, it’s more than a trend to “Buy Black” because supporting Black women in wellness and entrepreneurship has been at its core since its launch.

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